OMSEThe University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine and Community Health’s Office of Medical Student Education provides a variety of teaching opportunities for the practicing Family Physician.

Options range from supervising students on site in outreach clinics for the underserved, to providing a longitudinal clinical experience in your own office. Time commitments are flexible and are designed to allow even the busiest clinician to become a valued member of the Department’s teaching team.

“Which students would you like to teach?”

3 ways to get involved – matched to your preferred level of student

OMSEForward Curriculum (Phase 1 students)

The UW School of Medicine and Public Health’s Phase 1 Preceptor Program partners 165-180 students with primary care physicians in clinics for one afternoon, six times per academic year. This physician-student partnership provides students with early and ongoing exposure to primary care.

Teaching Goals

  • Introduce students to primary care medicine, gradually increasing their role in practicing new skills.
  • Through this longitudinal relationship, students become familiar with common problems, prevention issues, clinical epidemiology, physician decision-making, evidence based medicine, professionalism and cultural competency.
  • Be an important role model for ‘practice in the real world.’

Your time commitment:

Forward Curriculum (Phase 1 students)

  • 14 half-days over 3 semesters; mornings or afternoons
  • Year-round

Register online: Please help to continue the legacy of our profession and specialty by volunteering today.


CPC is a 12 week “Phase II” course at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH). CPC blends clinical training in a variety of primary care and specialty clinics so that students can see how a wide range of conditions are treated. It is a critical part of student training as it is the only phase II course which is entirely outpatient. We know that outpatient care is the cornerstone for patients and health systems, and thus, students gain critical training and exposure during their time with you. CPC also includes immersion experiences in community health. The overall goal of this course is for students to develop clinical skills vital to outpatient care, and to learn how physicians, interprofessionals, health systems, and communities work together towards better health.

The primary goal for CPC students is active participation in patient care in order to practice clinical skills and increase medical knowledge. Students receive training in history taking and physical exam prior to Phase II. They also have limited training in differential diagnosis. During Phase II, they work to further develop these skills and also begin to develop basic treatment & plan-making skills.

Your time commitment is approximately 28 half days per 12 week block, or 1-2 days per week.  You may select the day(s) of the week that work best for you.  There are 4 CPC blocks year, teach as many as you wish.

Register online: Please help to continue the legacy of our profession and specialty by volunteering today.

OMSEThe Department of Family Medicine offers a variety of electives for 4th-year students. Students spend four weeks working under the guidance of a Family Physician in clinical, community, or academic settings. Students may elect to use this time to explore in depth areas of faculty interest or expertise (examples: sports medicine, integrative medicine, addictive disorders).

Teaching Goals

  • Allow senior medical students to gain advanced clinical experience and greater independence in patient management.
  • Provide opportunity to explore family medicine as a career.
  • Encourage students to develop their own professional identity and practice styles.

Your Time Commitment

  • Four-week rotation, opportunities year-round, with highest demand July–October
  • 8 or 9 half-day sessions/week (32-36 total); can include work with ancillary staff, colleagues, other care venues.
  • Can include engagement in community outreach, quality improvement or research projects.

Register online: Please help to continue the legacy of our profession and specialty by volunteering today.

A Letter From The Director

Mark Beamsley, MD Director , Office of Medical Student Education

Dear Colleague,

I invite you to participate in the time-honored tradition of medical education at the University of Wisconsin.

The Department of Family Medicine and Community Health has an excellent reputation for medical student education. The breadth and depth of our clinical care allows students an opportunity to fully experience the values of our specialty–comprehensive, coordinated, patient centered care that is built on the foundations of interpersonal relationships.

Now, more than ever, you are needed to fulfill a vital role. With the transformation of UW to a School of Medicine and Public Health, our learners come into the clinical arena with a better understanding of the family and community context of care. They are eager to experience “real world” medicine. As Family Physicians, we are well qualified to serve as not only great teachers, but exemplary role models for the physicians of tomorrow.

What’s in it for you?

  • Showcase your practice and passion for patient care
  • See your practice through the lens of a new learner
  • Be stimulated and energized by bright young minds bringing new knowledge and enthusiasm


  • You are eligible to self-report up to 20 hours per year of AAFP CME credit for teaching
  • Receive access to — allowing you to earn up to 14.50 prescribed credits from AAFP at the time and location most convenient for you.

With experience as both a community preceptor and an academic faculty member in a residency teaching practice, I fully understand the challenges of teaching in the clinical setting. Added time to your busy day and altered work flows are a reality for those who teach. Yet, these challenges are easily outweighed by the professional growth, intellectual stimulation, and personal satisfaction you will derive as you continue the legacy of training and education as spelled out
in our Hippocratic Oath.

I thank you in advance for your time, interest and commitment to medical student education.


Mark Beamsley, MD
Director , Office of Medical Student Education


Dept of Family Medicine and Community Health
Office of Medical Student Education

600 Highland
L5-1 Clinical Science Center
Madison, WI 53792

Phone: (608) 263-1334

Jill Costello
Medical Student Program Manager
Email: Contact
Phone: (608) 263-0427

Nicole Watson
OMSE Medical Student Programs Coordinator
Email: Contact
(608) 263-1334

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