11:00 am–5:00 pm
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Health Sciences Learning Center | Room 1345
750 Highland Avenue | Madison, WI 53715
2019 WREN Conference Agenda
On Friday September 13th, nearly 55 people engaged in collective learning for the 2019 WREN Conference, Meaningful Medicine: Lifelong Learning in Your Practice, which was held at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health – Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC) in Madison, WI.
The HSLC location served as an appropriate backdrop for learning the importance of practice-based research in the primary care setting, followed by physicians who provided their perspectives on adding meaning to their practice through program development. Topics included intellectual curiosity as the basis for practice to research, maintaining work-life balance, and a residency experience with an innovative research project. A panel of practicing physicians and a medical student discussed how they wove research activities into their professional lives. In a special session, several medical students engaged in research gave oral presentations on their findings. The day concluded with a poster presentation/reception for about 20 medical students who shared information on their research projects.
Conference Introduction
The Important Role of Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs)
David L Hahn, MD, MS
Meaning and Purpose in Medicine: A Role for Practice-based Research
John Beasley, MD
Practice-based Research in Community Health Centers
Nicole Gastala, MD
Finding Purpose and Meaning in Medical Training
Kelsey Schmidt, MD
Panel Discussion

Left to Right: Nicole Gastala, MD; Danika Johnson, M4; Robert Mead, MD; Mary Arenberg, MD; George Schroeder, MD and Dirk Steinert, MD. Far Left: Moderator, Mary Henningfield, PhD
Oral Presentations by Students
Increasing Naloxone Co-prescription Among Patients at Risk for Prescription Opioid Overdose in a Rural Family Medicine Clinic
Sean Mortenson, M2
Providers and Teens Communicating for Health (PATCH)
Elizabeth Wendt, M3
Latino Community Health Survey
Allison Rodriguez, BS, MPH Candidate
A Model to Provide Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in a Rural Residency Clinic
Jeffrey Berry, MD – PGY-3
Posters Presented by Students
Medical Student Partnership with Project ADAM and Feasibility of Heart Safe School Designation
Katelyn Baier, M3 & Ashley Preston, M3
A Model to Provide Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in a Rural Residency Clinic
Jeffrey Berry, MD
Flu Vaccination Rates Amongst High Risk Pediatric Populations
Reed Colling, MS3
Use of Herbal Medicine to Improve Trust of Amish Communities in Western Health Care
Erik Ehlers, M1
Strengthening Primary Healthcare in China: Role of Community Health Centers and “Service Agreements”
Sofia Haile, MPH/M2
Community Needs Assessment to Inform the Ability of Future Physicians to Engage with the Community
Lucas Mathson, Intern
Increasing Naloxone Co-prescription Among Patients at Risk for Opioid Overdose in a Rural Family Medicine Clinic
Sean Mortenson & Jeff Berry, MD
Addressing Environmental Determinants of Health Within and Around the Home
Erin Nacev, M4
Clinician’s Guide for Breast Cancer Screening in Older Women
Viktoriya Ovsepyan
Qualitative Assessment of Barriers to Meeting Infant Motor Development Milestones
Kristin Pawlak
Latino Community Health Survey Embraces Community Based Participatory Research
Allison Rodriguez, BS, MPH Candidate
Assessment of PCP InBasket Burden Using Direct Observation and EHR Audit Log Data
Rutvi Shah, M2
Results of Engineering, Primary Care, Oncology Collaborative Regarding a Survey of Primary Care on a Re-Engineered Survivorship Care Plan
Taylor-Paige Stewart, M1
Epidemiologic Survey of Legionella Urine Antigen Tests within a Large, Integrated Health Care System
Caroline Toberna & Hannah William, BS
PATCH (Providers and Teens Communicating for Health) Program: Implementation in Central Wisconsin
Elizabeth Wendt, M3
Childhood Developmental Screening Implementation Initiatives: A Literature Review
Seth Workentine, M4
Understanding Barriers to Healthcare in a Vulnerable Population in Dane County, WI
Logan Yeager, M2
Posters Presented by WREN and General Internal Medicine
Linking Practice & Research Cough Drops: Cause for Concern
Sharing the Burden of Disease: Multi-Disciplinary Shared Medical Appointments for Osteoarthritis
Thank You to Our Sponsor!
This conference was supported, in part, through funding provided by the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health in the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health.
Please contact wren@fammed.wisc.edu if you have ideas for the next WREN Conference, including what content you would like to see, and where and when it should be held.