
DFMCH T32 Primary Care Research Fellows Awarded WPP Grants

Congratulations to Laura Prieto, PhD (Postdoctoral Trainee) and Elizabeth Ver Hoeve, PhD (Postdoctoral Trainee) on receiving 20th Anniversary Postdoctoral Grants from the Wisconsin Partnership Program! The grants will support Ver Hoeve and [...]

DFMCH T32 Primary Care Research Fellows Awarded WPP Grants2024-10-09T08:10:50-05:00

Wendy Slutske, PhD Awarded NIAAA R01Grant

Wendy Slutske, PhD Congratulations to Wendy Slutske, PhD (Professor) on being awarded a three-year R01 grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and [...]

Wendy Slutske, PhD Awarded NIAAA R01Grant2024-09-16T13:19:54-05:00
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