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The Qualitative and Health Experiences Research (Q-HER) Lab conducts rigorous qualitative and mixed methods research with the goal of making health and health care experiences more equitable and person-centered.

Our Work

We study a wide range of health experiences from the perspectives of patients and families and occasionally from the perspective of clinicians and policymakers.

We are committed to:

  • Hearing about experiences from the most diverse group of people possible
  • Elevating actionable, patient-generated ideas
  • Publicly disseminating what we learn for use by multiple audiences
  • Innovations in methods and measurement
  • Catalyzing improvements in health and health care grounded in the experiences and ideas of patients/people, families and communities

We invite you to explore our projects, publications, meet our team, or contact us.

Contact Us

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Recent Publications

“You have to trust yourself ”: The Overlooked Role of Self-Trust in Coping with Chronic Illness »

Our Network

Our lab is part of a larger initiative called the Health Experiences Research Network (HERN) – a partnership of patients, clinicians, researchers, and organizational leaders dedicated to implementing the Database of Individual Patient Experiences (DIPEx) methodology in the United States. We are also grateful to collaborate with the Center for Patient Partnerships.

Database of Individual Patient Experiences (DIPEx)

Health Experiences Research Network (HERN)

Center for Patient Partnerships Logo