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I-PrACTISE Scholarly Activity


Selected Publications 2015 – 2016 from I-PrACTISE Members

Chaet AV, Morshedi B, Wells KJ, Barnes LE, Valdez RS, (corresponding author) (in press). “Spanish-Language consumer health information technology interventions: a systematic review”. Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Clarke MA, Belden JL, Kim MS. “How Does Learnability of Primary Care Resident Physicians Increase After Seven Months of Using an Electronic Health Record? A Longitudinal Study”. JMIR Human Factors. 2016;3(1):e9. doi:10.2196/humanfactors.4601.

Clarke MA, Belden JL, Kim MS. “Determining differences in user performance between expert and novice primary care doctors when using an electronic health record (EHR)”. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2015; Early View: DOI: 10.1111/jep.12277.

Glass JE, Hamilton AM, Powell BJ, Perron BE, Brown RT, et al. “Revisiting our review of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): meta-analytical results still point to no efficacy in increasing the use of substance use disorder services”. Addiction. 2016 Jan;111(1):181-3.

Glass JE, Hamilton AM, P Powell BJ, Perron BE, Brown RT, Ilgen MA. Specialty substance use disorders following brief alcohol intervention: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Addiction. 2015 Sep;110(9):1404-15.

Hagedorn H, Brown R, Dawes M, Dieperink E, Myrick D, et al. “Enhancing access to alcohol use disorder pharmacotherapy and treatment in primary care settings: ADaPT-PC”. Implementation Science. 2016 May 10: 11(1):64.

Holden, RJ, Schubert, CC, Mickelson, RS.  The patient work system: An analysis of self-care performance barriers among elderly heart failure patients and their informal caregivers.  Applied Ergonomics 47 (2015) 133 – 150

Holden RJ, Valdez RS, Schubert CC, Thompson MJ, Hundt AS, (in press). “Macroergonomic factors in the patient work system: examining the context of patients with chronic illness”. Ergonomics.

Holman GT, Beasley JW, Stone JA, Smith PD, Wetterneck TB.  “The Myth of Workflow During the Primary Care Visit and Why it Matters for Electronic Health Record Design and Implementation.”  J Am Med Inform Assoc 2015;0:1–10.

Gustafson DH, McTavish F, Mahoney JE, Johnson RA, Lee JD, Quanbeck AR, Shah, D. (2015). The effect of an information and communication technology (ICT) on older adults’ quality of life: study protocol for a randomized control trial. Trials, 16(1), 191.

Johnson, K., Quanbeck, A., Maus, A., Gustafson, D. H., & Dearing, J. W. (2015). Influence networks among substance abuse treatment clinics: implications for the dissemination of innovations. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 1-9.

Kessler RS. “Evaluating the Process of Mental Health and Primary Care Integration Profile”. Family Medicine and Community Health. 5:3(1) 2015.

Kessler RS, Hitt JR. “Letter to the editor. Re: Electronic Health Record Challenges, Workarounds, and Solutions Observed in Practices Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care”. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine: JABFM 2016 29 (2).

Kessler R, Auxier A, Hitt J, Macchi CR, Mullin D, van Eeghen C, Littenberg B. “Development and Validation of a Measure of Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration.” Families, Systems, and Health. FSH-2016-1499R1 accepted on 07/25/2016

Koopman RJ, Steege LM, Moore JL, Clarke MA, Canfield SM, Kim MS, Belden JL. Physician information needs and electronic health records (EHRs): time to reengineer the clinic note. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine: JABFM. 2015;28(3):316-323.

Krist AH, Glasgow RE, Heurtin-Roberts S, Sabo RT, Roby DH, Sheinfeld Gorin SN, Balasubramanian BA, Estabrooks PA, Ory MG, Glenn BA, Phillips SM, Kessler RS, Johnson SB, Rohweder CL, Frenandez ME. “The Impact of Behavioral and Mental Health Risk Assessments on Goal Setting in Primary Care.” Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2016 Jun;6(2):212-9. doi: 10.1007/s13142-015-0384-2.

Krist AH, Green L, Phillips RL, Beasley JW, DeVoe JE, Klinkman MS, Hughes J, Puro J, Fox CH, Burdick T., for the NAPCRG Health Information Technology Working Group.  “Health Information Technology Needs Help from Primary Care Researchers”.  J Am Board Fam Med May-June 2015 28:306-310

Leslie LK, Mehus CJ, Hawkins JD, Boat T, McCabe MA, Barkin S, Perrin EC, Metzler C, Prado G, Tait VF, Brown R, et al. “Primary health care: potential home for family-focused preventive interventions”. American Journal of Preventative Medicine. 2016. Aug 3. (Epub ahead of print)

Lochner J, Kamnetz E, Trowbridge E, Pandhi N. “Family physician clinical compensation in an academic environment: moving away from the relative value unit.” Family Medicine 2016;48(6):459-466.

Macchi CR, Kessler R, Auxier A, Hitt J, Mullin D, van Eeghen C, Littenberg B. “Describing and Measuring Levels of Integrated Behavioral Healthcare: Improving Quality, Improving Research.” Families, Systems, and Health. FSH-2016-1549 submitted on July 01, 2016.

Menefee HK, Thompson MJ, Guterbock TM, Williams IC, Valdez RS, (corresponding author) (in press). “Mechanisms of communicating health information through Facebook: implications for consumer health information technology design”. Journal of Medical InternetResearch.

Morton S, Shih SC, Winther C, Tinoco A, Kessler RS, Scholle SH. “Health IT-Enabled Care Coordination. A National Survey of Patient-Centered Medical Home Clinicians”. Annals of Family Medicine. Vol. 13, No. 3, May/June 2015.

Mundt MP, Agneessens F, Tuan WJ, Zakletskaia LI, Kamnetz SA, Gilchrist VJ.  Primary care team communication networks, team climate, quality of care, and medical costs for patients with diabetes: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2016; 58(2016):1-11.

Mundt MP, Gilchrist VJ, Fleming JF, Zakletskaia LI, Tuan W-J, Beasley JW.   “Effects of Primary Care Team Social Networks on Quality of Care and Costs for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease”. Ann Fam Med 2015;13:139-148

Mundt MP, Zakletskaia LI, Shoham DA, Tuan WJ, Carayon P.  Together achieving more: Primary care team communication and alcohol-related healthcare utilization and costs. Alcoholism-Clinical & Experimental Research 2015; 39(10):2003-2015.

Palumbo MV, Sandoval M, Hart V, Drill C. (2016). Teaching electronic health record communication skills. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. Jun;34(6):254-8. doi: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000238

Palumbo MV, DeGagne J, Murphy G, (2016) Interprofessional care of elders: utilizing the virtual learning environment.  Journal of American Association of Nurse Practitioners. May 10 doi: 10.1002/2327-6924.12368

Quanbeck A, Brown RT, Zgierska E, A., A Johnson, R., Robinson, J. M., Jacobson, N. Systems consultation: protocol for a novel implementation strategy designed to promote evidence-based practice in primary care. Health Research Policy and Systems, 2016 Jan 27;14, 8.

Shoham DA, Mundt MP, Gamelli RL, McGaghie WC.  The social network of a burn unit team. Journal of Burn Care & Research 2015; 36(5):551-557.

Tevaarwerk AJ, “Evaluating Primary Care providers’ Views on Surviorship Care Plans Generated by an Electronic Health Record System. Journal of Oncology Practice, Published online March 24, 2015.

Thompson M, Reilly JR, Valdez RS, (corresponding author). “Work system barriers to patient, provider, and caregiver use of personal health records: a systematic review”. Applied Ergonomics, 54, 218-42. 2016

Valdez RS, Holden RJ (in press). “Health care human factors/ergonomics homeward bound:  practical considerations for fieldwork in home and community settings”. Ergonomics in Design.

van Eeghen C, Littenberg B, Holman M, Kessler R. “Integrating Behavioral Health in Primary Care Using Lean Workflow Analysis: A Quality Improvement Case Study”. JABFM Manuscript JABFM-15-0186 accepted 2015.

van Eeghen C, Littenberg B, Holman MD, Kessler R. “Integrating Behavioral Health in Primary Care Using Lean Workflow Analysis: A Case Study.” J Am Board Fam Med. 2016 May – June;26(3):385 – 93.

Zhong X, Song J, Li J, Ertl SM, Fielder L. Analysis and Design of Gastroenterology (GI) Clinic in Digestive Health Center: A Systems Approach, Flexible Service and Manufacturing, vol. 28, pp. 90-119, 2016.

Zhong X, Li J, Ertl SM, Hassmer C, Fielder L. A Systems Theoretic Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Mammography Testing Process, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Systems, vol. 46, pp. 126-138, 2016.

Zhong X, Li J, Bain PA , Musa AJ. Electronic Visit in Primary Care: Modeling, Analysis, and Scheduling Policies, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2016.2555854, 2016.

For more publications see our I-PrACTISE Publications Archive.

Selected Presentations 2015 – 2016 from I-PrACTISE Members

Balasubramanian H, Beasley JW.  “The Clinical and The Operational:  Reconciling two perspectives in primary care. Pre-Conference Workshop”,  I-PrACTISE Conference, Madison, WI April 24, 2016

Beasley JW, Tuan W-J, Arndt B, Temte J, Gilchrist V.  “An EMR-Based Metric for System Support of Clinician’s Work.”  Poster presented at annual meeting of North American Primary Care Research Group, Colorado Springs, CO.  November 14, 2016

Beasley JW, Arndt B, Tuan W-J, Temte J, Gilchrist V.  We should measure and reduce “Work After Work” (WAW).  Presented at NAPCRG PBRN Conference, Bethesda, MD, July 12, 2016

Beasley JW “Towards the optimal use of health information technology,” Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants, Elkart Lake, WI.  October 13, 2016

Beasley JW, Marnocha M.  “Family Medicine and Mental Health Care:  Burnout versus Evolution”.  Workshop, Wisconsin Psychological Association, Middleton, WI.  April 15, 2016

Beasley JW, “Towards the optimal use of health information technology”, UW SMPH Medical Physics 559, April 11, 2016

Beasley JW, “Towards the optimal use of health information technology”.  UW School of Pharmacy. March 15, 2016

Beasley JW, “Being Patient-Centered in the Digital Age”.  Meriter 2015 Fall Ethics Conference.  Madison, WI.  November 6, 2015

Beasley JW, “EHRs:  From Meaningful Use to Rational Use”.  Wisc. Health Information Management Association Annual Conference, Steven’s Point, WI,   May 7, 2015

Beasley JW, “Health IT and Patient Safety”, UW SMPH Medical Physics 559, May 3, 2015

Beasley JW, “Electronic Health Records, Burnout & Flow” (With M. Marnocha, Ph.D.) Wisconsin Psychological Association, Madison WI, April 18, 2015

Beasley JW, “Electronic Health Records – From Meaningful Use to Rational Use”. UW School of Pharmacy.  Pharmacy 608 – Safety and Quality in the Medication Use Process. March 10, 2015

Beasley JW, “Electronic Health Records – From Meaningful Use to Rational Use”. UW Computational Informatics in Biology and Medicine,  February 17, 2015

Belden, J Clinical Informatics Grand Rounds: “Inspired EHR’s: Designing for Clinicians – Making a Usability Guide for HIT Vendors, with Vendors” Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. April 11, 2016

Belden J, Chapman, L “Design Thinking: 5 Steps For Designing ‘Healthy’ Clinical Apps”, HIMSS Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. March 3, 2016

Belden, J “Working With Human Factors Specialists, Designers, and Software Developers to Create InspiredEHRs.org: An Interactive Book” Panelist, Human Factors and Ergonomic Society – Healthcare. Baltimore, MD April 29, 2015

Belden, J “Plug-ins for Providers: Designing for Clinical IT” Panelist. Health Experience Refactored (HxRefactored) Conference. Boston, MA April 1, 2015

Belden J “Inspired EHRs: Designing for Clinicians”. ONC e-Health Partner Webinar, January 26, 2015

Belden J “Inspired EHRs: Designing for Clinicians”. ONC e-Health Vendor Workgroup Webinar, January 15, 2015

Brown R. “Clinical Guideline Translation and Physician Coaching to Reduce Opioid-Related Harms”. Addiction Health Services Research, Marina del Rey, CA, October 15, 2015

Busch A, Glass J, Gassman M, Brown R. “Pharmacotherapeutic intervention to improved treatment engagement among alcohol dependent veterans after hospital discharge”. Addiction Health Services Research, Marina del Rey, CA, October 16, 2015

Glass J, Hamilton A, Powell B, Perron B, Brown R, Ilgen M. “Does Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol Use in Medical Settings Increase Receipt of Substance Use Disorder Services? A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials”. Addiction Health Services Research, Marina del Rey, CA, October 16, 2015

Haggerty J, Beasley JW.  “A Research Agenda for Cross-Border Research.”  Workshop at North American Primary Care Research Group, Cancun Mexico.  November 26, 2015

Hemming P, Hewitt A, Gallo J, Kessler R, Levine R. “Internal Medicine and Family Medicine Residents’ Confidence in Practicing with Behavioral Health Integration: A Multi-site Survey”. Society of General and Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. Hollywood, FL. May 11-14, 2016.

Holden R, Valdez RS, “Patient-oriented human factors in home and community settings”. Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, San Diego, CA. 2016

Kessler R, van Eeghen C. “What you Don’t Know Can Hurt You; Lessons About Complexity from the PCORI IBH-PC Pragmatic Trial.” I-PrACTISE Annual Conference Madison, WI. April 24 -26, 2016.

Kessler R. WEBINAR – “Patient reported data in EHR assisted goal setting and plan.” Activation, Academy Health, 4/24/2015.

Kessler R. Poster Presentation “The Vermont Integration Profile- Development and Validation” Society of Behavioral Medicine San Antonio April 2015 Kessler R. WEBINAR- “Patient Reported Outcomes and Electronic Health Records.” Academy Health 2015

Khatri P, Muench J, Kessler R. “Behavioral EHR Functionality in Population
Health and Primary Care Transformation”. Collaborative Family Health Association 17th Annual Conference. Portland Oregon. 2015

Lee HK, Zhong X, Li J, Musa AJ, Bain PA, “An Iterative Method for Analysis of Joint Visit Model at Dean East Clinic”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Budapest, Hungry, 2016.

Lee HK, Li J, Musa AJ, Bain PA, “A Markov Chain Model to Evaluate Patient Transitions in Small Community Hospitals”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Ft Worth, TX, 2016.

Leslie LK, Mehus CJ, Hawkins JD, Boat T, McCabe MA, Barkin S, Perrin EC, Metzler C, Prado G, Tait VF, Brown R, et al. “Primary health care: potential home for family-focused preventive interventions”. American Journal of Preventative Medicine. 2016. Aug 3. (Epub ahead of print)

Meinig H, Rjamanickam V, Brown R. “Community-based treatment models for opioid-dependent participants in drug treatment court”. American Society of Addiction Medicine Annual Medical-Scientific Conference, Austin, TX, April 25, 2015

Muench J, Burdick T, Kessler RS, Winkle J. Poster Presentation. “Using Innovative EHR Tools to Improve Alcohol SBI Performance and Documentation In Primary Care.” American Society of Addiction Medicine. Dallas. 2015.

Mundt MP.  “Social Network Analysis, Healthcare Teams, and Communication”. Three-Part Lecture Series sponsored by the UW-Madison Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement (CQPI) and the UW-Madison Health Innovation Program (HIP), Madison Wisconsin, March-April, 2016. Available online at //www.hipxchange.org/socialnetworkanalysis.

Mundt MP, Zakletskaia L.  “Electronic Health Record Messaging and Quality of Care for Type 2 Diabetes Patients in Primary Care”. Nursing Informatics (NI2016) Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2016.

Mundt MP.  “Primary Care Team Cohesion and Performance Outcomes for CVD Patients as Reflected in the Electronic Health Record”. International Conference on Establishment Surveys (ICES-V), Geneva, Switzerland, June 2016.

Nieder K, Mohan S,  Belden, J “Portal me: Perspectives on Secure Messaging & PGHD for Care Coordination” HIMSS Pre-Conference Patient Engagement Symposium, Las Vegas, NV. February 29, 2016

Pandhi N, Karp Z, Kamnetz S, Trowbridge E. “Developing an effective writing collaborative to rapidly disseminate lessons from system redesign.” Presentation at the Association of American Medical Colleges’ Integrating Quality Meeting, 2016, Chicago, IL

 Novak LL, Valdez R, Veinot T, Talmon J, Lorenzi NM. “A forum on qualitative research in biomedical informatics: controversies, challenges, and opportunities”      Panel to be presented at American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, Chicago, IL. 2016

Quanbeck A & Brown R, A comprehensive primary care / systems engineering partnership model aimed at mitigating the prescription opioid epidemic. (Oral presentation). The National Collaborative for Improving Primary Care Through Industrial and Systems Engineering. April, 2016. Madison, WI.

Quanbeck A, “Implementing an mHealth technology for addiction treatment in primary care: An engineering perspective”. (Oral presentation). AcademyHealth/NIH 8th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation. December 14-15, 2015. Washington, DC.

Quanbeck A, Molfenter T, Brown R, Mares ML, Glass J, “Innovative implementation strategies in addiction health services research”. (Symposium chair. Addiction Health Services Research Annual Meeting. October 15-17, 2015. Los Angeles, CA.

Valdez RS, Guterbock TM, Fitzgibbom K, Williams IC, Menefee HK, Wellbeloved-Stone CA). The role of culture and personality in health information communication with social network members. To be presented at the American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, Chicago, IL. 2016

Valdez RS, Holden RJ, Caine K, Madathil K, Mickelson R, Novak LL, Werner N. “Patient work as a maturing approach within HF/E: moving beyond traditional self-management applications”. Panel to be presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. 2016.

Xie A, Gurses AP, Hundt AS, Steege L, Valdez RS, Werner NE. “Conceptualizing sociotechnical system boundaries in healthcare settings: within and across teams, organizations, processes, and networks”. Panel to be presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. 2016

Book Chapters 2016 – from I-PrACTISE Members

Beasley JW,  Safety in the use of Health Information Technology in Primary Care. Chapter in progress for Thomadsen B, (Ed) Quality and Safety in Health Care. In progress, 2016.

Christianson K, Mills J, Thomas M, Deyo B, Hayes B, Brown RT. Alcohol. In: Remington, Patrick L., and Ross C. Brownson (eds.). Chronic disease epidemiology and control, 4th edition. Washington, DC, USA: American Public Health Association; 2016.

Dresang L, Brown RT, Kvach E. Office Care Of Substance Abuse Patients. In: Olsen M and Rizk B (eds.), Office Care of Women. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press; 2016.