Each year, residents from the University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine submit a case log, an account of a patient encounter in which an “Aware Medicine topic” was central. These are indexed below in the following categories:
Cross-Cultural Issues/Differing Belief Systems
- Chiropractic Manipulation for a Heart Attack? Really?
- Dialysis Dilemma
- Differing Beliefs
- Reflections on Residency
- Where Are You From?
- Delivery Via Phone Interpreter
- Out of Alignment: Chiropractors and Safety
- To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate?
End-of Life
- A Little Angel Goes to Heaven
- Dealing with Infant Mortality
- Difficult Decisions on a Very Sick Patient
- End of Life Decisions
- It’s Ok to Die
- It’s OK to Change the Plan!
- Judging a Life
- Just Keep Her Comfortable
- Part of the Cycle
- Patient Choice
- Referral to Tiwwwn Medicine
- Room 428
- Sometimes the View is Different: Being a Doctor vs a Patient or Family Member
- The Accidental Hospice Doctor
- The Best Laid Plans
- The Inadequacy of Words
- Was It A Good Death?
- Without the Code Chimes
- Physician to My Dying Father
- Code Status and Family Wishes
- Becoming Comfortable with Death and Dying
- It’s OK to Change the Plan!
- The Slippery Slope Between Hope and False Hope
- End of Life Care with a Lovely Patient Named LB
- In the Moment
- Terminal Illness Too Young
- Is Doing Everything Always the Right Thing To Do?
- The Decision to Die
- Sepsis and Multisystem Organ Failure in the ICU
- Patient Choice
- Mental Illness and the Right to Die
Patient Relationships/Communication Issues
- A Breech Insecurity
- Compassion for Yourself Dear Doctor
- Confusion
- Learning How to Walk Again
- Saying No to Drugs
- Someone’s Mom
- Treat Patients As You Would Want Your Mother Treated
- Unusual Intimacy
- We Are All on the Same Team
- Dialysis as a Means to an End?
- A Challenge in Pain Management
- My Dealings with CD
- Different Perspectives
- Noncompliance and Chronic Pain
- The Value of Family Medicine
“It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to question it.”
-Jacob Bronowski
“Learning without thought is labor lost.”