This Lunch and Learn series was developed to support those who treat and care for people struggling with substance use disorders in rural Wisconsin at no cost to participants
RHeSUS Office Hours
Every third Tuesday of the month
- Join Zoom Meeting | 12 – 1 PM (Central)
- For additional questions, email Randall Brown, MD, PhD, DFASAM
Lunch and Learn Series
- The third Monday of each month from 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. (Join »)
- View 2024-2025 Upcoming Schedule » | Series Archive »
- 2024/2025 enduring credit is available »
Target Audience:
- MDs/DOs, Advanced Practice Practitioners, Social Workers, Behavioral Health Providers, Peer Recovery Service Providers and anyone who treats and cares for people struggling with substance use disorder.
As a result of participation in this educational series, members of the healthcare team will be able to”
- Formulate treatment & prevention plans for patients engaged in risky and problem substance use
- Deliver appropriate preventive services to people who misuse alcohol and other drugs
- Select appropriate pharmacotherapy for patients who have an alcohol or other substance use disorder
- Collaborate w/ multi-disciplinary teams to identify community resources to facilitate health and recovery for people engaged in risky and problem use of alcohol and other drugs
- Identify sociodemographic factors contributing to the impacts of alcohol and other drugs and strategies to address resulting health disparities
2024-2025 Topic and Presenter Schedule
3/17/2025 – Case Based Discussion – Stimulants – TBD
4/21/2025 – Overdose Response Update: CPR Logistics in the Fentanyl Era – Bobby Redwood, MD
5/19/2025 – Case Based Discussion – Alcohol – TBD
6/16/2025 –TBD
7/21/2025 – TBD
8/18/2025 – Recap of Series
How to Join
Join from the meeting link
Occurs the third Monday of every month effective 10/16/2023 until 9/16/2024 from 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM, (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 2620 342 5127
Password: PdZY3sYqQ23 (73993797 from phones)
Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
+1-312-535-8110 United States Toll (Chicago)
Access code: 262 034 25127
For More Information
Contact RHeSUS Program Director Jill Lindwall or Protea Outreach Coordinator Nada Rashid.
This program is possible through a partnership with the Wisconsin Hospital Association. Funding for RHeSUS was provided by the UW School of Medicine and Public Health from the Wisconsin Partnership Program (WPP).