Honorary Associate/Fellow
610 N Whitney Way (Madison)
Maggie Grabow completed her undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies from Washington University in St. Louis before moving to Wisconsin to pursue a master’s degree in Land Resources from UW-Madison. She then went on to earn a Master of Public Health degree and ultimately her PhD in Environment and Resources. Dr. Grabow works on issues surrounding the built environment and health. Her research focuses on quantifying and understanding the many health and climate co-benefits of transforming communities to support bicycling and walking opportunities, as well as understanding and evaluating the many predictors of active transportation behaviors. She is also working on advancing the notion of “social prescriptions,” in which physicians advise lifestyle options such as prescriptions for bikeshare, fruit and vegetable CSAs, or yoga classes. She completed two years with the Complimentary and Integrative Health Research Fellowship Fellowship from 2015-2017 and is returning for a 3rd year after spending a year in Philadelphia.
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