WREN’s mission is to promote and conduct primary care research and education in partnership with primary care clinicians and the communities they serve.
WREN will improve health outcomes for the people of Wisconsin and beyond as a model practice-based research network.
Clinic Recognition
The mission of WREN is to promote and conduct high-quality translational primary care research and education in partnership with primary care clinicians and the communities they serve.
Over the years many clinics from various health systems have collaborated on WREN projects. We are grateful for the commitment of these clinics and their staff members who voluntarily agree to participate in WREN projects. Without you we could not conduct the research necessary to make WREN projects a success.
Size and Scope
WREN was founded in 1987, and is one of the oldest and most respected practice-based research networks in the United States. WREN associates are distributed across 59 communities in 36 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties.
The WREN Network is comprised of approximately:
- 400+ members
- 200 practicing clinicians
- 80 different clinic sites from 37 healthcare organizations